Providing a bespoke care service across the community.
About the Caring Company
The Caring Company Rutland Ltd has been developed by a team of colleagues who have experience in domiciliary care; additionally a number of us have previously worked together in a local residential care home. Between us we share more than 70 years experience in the care industry and our qualifications include NVQ 2 & NVQ 3 with an NVQ5 pending qualification. The team shares the same commitment; that is to deliver the very best level of care possible.
Our training covers the following:
Care Planning & Risk Assessment
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Safe Administration of Medicines
Moving & Handling
Food Hygiene & Nutrition
Health & Safety at Work
First Aid
Hoist Training
Team Leading
Infection Control
Understanding Dementia
Caring for People with Dementia
Mental Health Support
Catheter Management
Stoma Management
Continence Promotion
Death, Dying and Bereavement
End of Life Care
The Caring Company gives you the freedom to live life your way.
About Carole
Managing Director
With 15 years’ experience of working as an independent Healthcare Assistant in the Rutland communities, I felt I had gained the necessary knowledge and skills to develop my own Domiciliary Care Agency.
Following my successful Registered Manager’s application to CQC, the Caring Company Rutland Limited was registered with Companies House on 25th May 2012.
The following 18 months was spent establishing company standards in line with regulations and legislation, developing a website, creating documents and reports, writing policies and procedures; taking guidance from CQC, NICE and Skills for Care, researching training providers, advertising the service and developing a safe and secure office environment prior to starting business.
To launch the company, I recruited and selected ‘like-minded’ Healthcare Assistants who could demonstrate their passion for delivering the best standard of person centred care, consistently.
The business first became active in September 2013, with 2 Clients and 4 Carers and each year there has been a continual growth; today we are responsible for 30 Clients supported by 14 Carers.
In January 2014 we had our first experience of an Inspection by CQC undertaken at our small office in Station Approach, Oakham. We were very pleased with the outcome and the Inspectors report evidenced and confirmed that we met each of the following standards:
- Care and welfare of people who use our services
- Safeguarding people who use our services from abuse
- Supporting Workers
- Assessing and Monitoring the Quality of Service Provision
April 2015 presented an opportunity to safeguard 12 Clients against losing the care service provided by Homecare Rutland. With only 48 hrs notice, having confidence and trust in my team, with strategic planning the Caring Company was able to accommodate the needs of these Clients which protected them from a potential loss of a crucial service.
From here the company has developed a solid professional reputation in the local community. We are recognised for our dedication and commitment and for providing an unrivalled care service and have supporting testimonials to evidence this.
In March 2016 we found it appropriate to move our office to Saddlers Court in Barleythorpe to facilitate continued business growth and to accommodate welcome visits from potential and existing Clients.
We recognise the diversity, values and human rights of individuals who use our services. Taking an holistic approach, our objective is to put people at the centre of their care, delivery and support by enabling them to make their own choices and decisions. We work with transparent policies and procedures which are followed in practice, monitored and reviewed routinely. We endorse partnership working and reinforce this by promoting the need for essential regular feedback and during our 5 years of providing care we have established good relationships with many Healthcare Professionals.
In November 2016, our service was inspected by CQC and we were rated as ‘GOOD’ in all five areas of their Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE):
- Safe
- Caring
- Effective
- Responsive
- Well-Led
During our current contract period with RCC we have demonstrated our commitment to work with standards set and monitored by their Contract Monitoring Framework.
In March 2018 we relocated our office to the King Centre, Barleythorpe which has provided us with cost effective additional benefits to the business and supports our continual business growth.
May 2018, RCC QA Manager inspected our services, for the third time and evidenced and confirmed that we are fully compliant, no recommendations were made and no actions to be implemented.
Occasionally we are able to attend RCC Providers Forum which can be very productive providing us with support and relevant information on local events, training opportunities and legislation guidance.
The Caring Company has a robust Business Continuity Plan. The purpose of this plan is to prepare our business in the event of extended service outages caused by factors beyond our control and to restore services to the widest extent possible in a minimum time frame.
We can evidence current Clients who have felt the benefit of our services consistently for over a period of 3 and 4 years. It is a privilege to acknowledge that we have been actively involved and have made a positive difference to the lives of 200 Clients.